Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day!

this is my soapbox moment.

I am here today to tell you to go vote. I don't wanna hear any whining about how little time you have, you work, I stay at home, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda. In a few weeks when you are biatching about the issues at hand, I will say, "Told you so!"

Now, I am going in a few minutes with my two (Bugaboo counts as two or three kids by himself) and the neighbor's three. If I can do it with those five, just about anyone can.

There are very important issues at hand this election. No, it isn't a presidential year, but it is just as important. Control of the House and Senate will be dictated by what happens today. So please, please, please go and exercise your privilege of voting. Yes, privilege. It is something that can be taken away. And in some countries, not only can you NOT VOTE but if you are a woman, you have even less rights.

I don't care what party you align with. I don't care what issues you support or don't support. I certainly don't care if you are a bat-eating-communist-with-a-foot-fetish-and-furry-costume (Huh?). Y'all need to go out and do it. If you don't know who the candidates are, don't just vote for the party because you like it or you like their last name. Please take a few minutes and educate yourself before you go.

Now, that being said, there are some candidates that I am still undecided about. I want some new blood but kinda wanna stick with a few people in office. I also cannot get past certain issues and I know that will influence my vote. I will make sure I know when I go down there in a few minutes.

Ok. Soapbox rant over. Carry on.

1 comment:

Domestic CEO said...

Oh you are going to get some interesting google searches with your costume comment!!!

I'm going to be going to vote with my five soon. I figure either they'll be well behaved or everyone will push us to the front of the line. :)