Thursday, January 11, 2007

Working from home

Today Darling finally started working from home. You may recall that last week I was a tad apprehensive about how it would go. I thought he would drive me nuts and question what I was doing, watch me work, make comments etc. Except for the fact that he has to phone into meetings and tie up the phone line, it really wasn't so bad.

I couldn't vacuum, watch television or listen to music (I typically have music on for most of the day) but I did stick to my list and got plenty done around the house. The suitcases and tree made it back into storage, the laundry was rebooted and the rooms were rescued. Beds were made, hotspots were put out and dinner was planned. All in all a good day.

I have to say, the best part of his working from home was the fact that we were able to eat lunch together, in peace and quiet. We were also able to take a nap (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) during his lunch break. If every Thursday is like this one, I think I will like him working from home!

All that worrying for nothing. Sheesh.


Happy said...

So THAT'S why you didn't blog yesterday. I'm glad to hear that Darling wasn't disruptive. Sound like it was a nice day for the two of you!

I know when I'm home and Sweetness is at work we often meet for lunch (although not YOUR kind of nap meeting). When we were dating and I was in graduate school my schedule was flexible so we would meet at this pizza place around Ridley. So sometimes we have a nostalgic lunch at the pizza place.

Anonymous said...

This can be a great thing for you and Darling. Even if you're not canoodling during lunch, you can at least have a nice one in peace and quiet.

Glad it turned out well.