Thursday, October 12, 2006

Bugaboo's IEP

Today was Bugaboo's IEP meeting. He wasn't due for one until January (they are usually done at least once a year or sooner if needed) but we felt that since his placement changed that his IEP goals and services should reflect the new school situation. It was nearly two hours long but the goals were all very accurate and well-written, the team that works with Ian had wonderful things to say about him and everyone was kind and supportive. They are still providing two session of OT, one of PT and Two speech Therapy weekly, in addition to the group speech and OT sessions. They also are going to provide PECS training to Darling and me, at my request. We feel that since he isn't really talking and has no interest in sign language that it is time to move forward with the PECS more consistently. They are used as a bridge, not an actual language, but at this point we will take ANYTHING that helps him to communicate.

I feel very good about this move. We felt that things for Bug Boy were finally falling into place and he is doing so well. It is time that Bugaboo does well, too. The part-time class just wasn't doing it for him. He is lower functioning than most of the kids and is so hyperactive that he ended up distracting the other kids and killing the dynamics of the classroom. And he was off task so often that he wasn't getting ANYTHING. We've also submitted paperwork for a TSS (Therapeutic Support Staff) to work with him during school hours at least half the day until we feel he can function without one.

This was a very difficult decision to make. It means he will be away from me twice as long as before. It means he will leave his beloved class and teacher. It means he will have transition issues and have to start all over again. It also means he will no doubt fall asleep on the way home each day due to exhaustion from the stimulation and the new environment. But I know it is what he needs. The only way to make progress is to make changes. Keeping things the same for him meant that he would not have a chance to change. It meant more of the same. That wasn't good enough for us.

So, I am nervous, scared and excited all at the same time. I can't wait for it to begin but at the same time wish I had more time with him. This is it. He is going to be in full-time school for now on!


CryssyeR said...

I know you have anxiety about it, but it sounds like the best of all situations for Bugaboo. Nothing but good can come of it!

I am sure there will be some time of transition, but you will get through it.

Is PECS a language like ASL, or is it another form of communication? I tried to look for it on the internet, but did't see anything related to language. There is a company in Uraguay that does something with engineering - but I didn't think that is what you meant....

Oh, and SPAMALOT is coming! Whoo-hoo!

CryssyeR said...

Ummmm, never mind. I found PECS, I was accidentally looking at PCES...duh me!