Friday, March 31, 2006

I want it that away...

Tell me why! Ain't nothin' but a heartache...Ain't nothing but a mistake.

Ok, sorry, sorry. Got the BSB stuck in my head, Bug Boy LOVES that song. And he sings it. Over. And Over. And Over. ACK!!!! The only thing worse is when he sings the days of the week song.

The weather has been amazing! I love it when they are outside for most of the day, the house is MUCH cleaner. Less to do! WOOHOO! The only problem with spending so much time outside is seasonal allergies. I have had a sinus migraine for 2 days now, and it shows NO signs of stopping. Bug Boy was so miserable today that I gave him a Benedryl and sent him to bed because he wouldn't stop crying. He never came down, I woke him up over an hour later!

Have I mentioned how much I love this weather? The windows are open, the birds are singing, I can hear the whole neighborhood of kids outside playing. It is so pleasant! I hope it lasts. The boys need so much gross motor time, and it is difficult to give it to them inside. We have a trampoline (mini) and exercise balls and other things, but it just doesn't cut it most of the time. They need air, space and grass.

My head is spinning from the pain. I don't know which is worse: The queasy feeling I have had for about a week or the throbbing headache that even makes my teeth and hair hurt. Yuckadoo!!!

Forecast: Foggy, due to an increase in medication.

1 comment:

Heather said...

M-j My link doesn't work~~