Monday, July 18, 2005

Moving right along...

Ten days. Well, less than. In 10 days we will be the proud new owners of an 18 year-old single in the next town over, in the most sought-after school district in our county. Lucky us! We get to pay the taxes! But in the long run, it will be worth it. Our boys have some significant educational needs, and they need to be in the best place possible.

We have boxes stacked to our eyeballs. We are well-organized. In between the settlement and the actual movers, we have 10 days to paint, move boxes, possibly get a fence installed and clean our charming 90 year-old twin up for the next owner. We have so many good memories here, our boys called this their first home. We put so much sweat equity into it! I mean, we gutted every room! We painted or replaced just about everything! Our neighbors are wonderful and we can walk to the library, church, school, etc. But the house was nickle-and-diming us to death. Old and charming is mucho dinero. Every house needs work. But not this much work. Besides, I can't take another minute of hearing other people through the walls and waking up the the stench of stale cigarette smoke. We don't smoke. It comes through the walls.

We are in good shape, packing-wise. Not much more to do. Just have to get it all in a truck and over there. My brothers are going to help move the outdoor toys, tools, etc. I just wish I could bring my garden. In 8 years it has never looked so good! I FINALLY got it the way I want it. Oh well, new beginnings.

Forecast: slightly moody, exhaustion on the horizon.

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