Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wordless Wednesday - Doggie Condo

Doggie Condo, handmade by Darling for the Shad Roe.
She rarely goes in it and prefers to camp out NEXT to the doghouse.


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!! He has a happy smile!

Chaotic Mom said...

Yeah! So, do he and Shad Roe trade places after tiffs and quarrels (not that you HAVE any, just thinking about MY little family...)? ;P

Chaotic Mom said...

To amend my previous comment, I HAVE told the hubby to sleep in the doghouse, but we don't have one yet... ;)

Just Nancy said...

Nice doggie condo!

Thanks for visiting my picture, but your comment about your grandparents "hurt." That was MY car - at least the one I drove back and forth to school!

Anonymous said...

Ya wonder why she doesn't like indoors? Maybe it's too confining? Still, a great picture.

My W W is posted.