Wednesday, March 14, 2007


4 - hours of sleep I managed to get last night.

8- hours I need to function like a normal human being.

12 - hours I would love to get every night.

6 - Years since I have worked a "regular" job

7- years since I finally finished my degree

9-years it took me to finish

4-majors I had in college, the reason it took nine years

0- periods I have had in four months

2- months I have been off the pill

6- pregnancy tests that have been negative since then

2 - children my husband and I have

4 - children I would want to have

3- children I could picture having without going completely bonkers

7 - children in my family growing up

8 - pregnancies for my mother that ended in actual labor

1 - stillborn baby my mother had to suffer through

7 - miscarriages my mother had to endure

3 - vehicles we own

2 - vehicles we are keeping

1- vehicles we would need if Darling took the train to work, impossible given our current transit system

2 - televisions in our home

1 - computer in our home

2 - phones in our home

10 - years until Darling could potentially retire from his job

10 - years until I had better get my act together to go back to work full time

30 - years until official retirement age

5 - years before I want to return to a full-time job

1 - years before I will no doubt find something part time

1 in 155 - frequency of autism in the United States, according to the CDC

1 in 4 - autistic children who develop significant seizure disorders

600,000 - autistic adults living in the United States that have been identified, the amount is assumed to be more since years ago Autism was not easily diagnosed

525,600 - minutes

8675309 - Jenny, for a good time call

99 - luft balloons

27, 687 - miles on our three-year-old Toyota minivan

131,000 - miles on our eight-year-old Honda Accord

79,000 - miles on our 1984 jeep CJ-7

250 - guesstimate of Matchbox and Hotwheels in our basement

50 - guesstimate of NASCAR replica cars in our basement

40 - guesstimate of Thomas Trains we have in our basement

60 - average temperature in our basement, with heat off in winter

58 - average temperature in our SECOND FLOOR BEDROOM with heat off in winter

64 - temperature our thermostat is set on in winter

72 - temperature our thermostat is set on in summer

6 - average amount of appointments I take my children to each month

3 - average amount of appointments I take myself to each year

0 - appointments I wish I took my kids to each month

3 - doors exiting our home

3 - doors Bugaboo can get out of by himself

7 - interior doors we replaced (with new locks) last week to keep Bugaboo safe

3 - exit doors that need new locks to keep bugaboo safe

1 - hole in the wall that needs to be covered so Bugaboo doesn't jump out of it in the middle of the night

18 - months since I asked Darling to fix it

7 - days until it may or may not get done

8 - pounds I would like to lose to get back to pre-baby weight

0 - pounds I need to lose to be a healthy weight

40 - pounds I gained with Bug Boy's pregnancy

10 - pounds I lost in the beginning of Bugaboo's pregnancy, putting me below pre-baby weight

60 - pounds I gained back once the midwives told me to pig out as much as I wanted

50 - pounds I lost the day Bugaboo was born, 9 of which was baby. The rest was placenta and five pints of blood (giver or take one)

12 - hours until I can get more sleep

6 - children that will be in my home today

2 - therapists that will come to my home today

100 - percent likelihood that the children will play outside for the majority of the day

100 - percent likelihood that I will eat chocolate today

100 - percent of potatoes I like



6 children have made me certifiable(or was I certifiable to have 6?).I don't think many parents could cope without being mad on some level.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this was too funny M-J. Love it!

Chipmunkmomma said...

you are just too cute. ya know how if you do something a bunch of times how it stops being funny. And then if you do it some more then it gets funny again? That was funny like that. Good post.

kristina said...

Thanks for sharing all this---it all adds up to something more than worth it. I think.