Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow Day!

Wanna know something cool? Do ya? Huh? Do ya?

The kids have off and so does Darling! YEAH!

Ok, I am not completely overjoyed at the thought of spending every waking moment housebound with no hope of relief but it is not entirely a horrible thing. For starters, because Darling is not required to show up at work today I have some relief from the Baby Bugs. The kids slept slightly late today (woohoo! 7 am!) and therefore we were able to stay under the covers talking quietly until we got our lazy selves out of bed to get them breakfast. We are all still in pajamas and might not shower for a while just because we can do that today.

Things have a funny way of working out. We have been quite stressed as of late and were lamenting Sunday evening that we both needed a day off. We got it! No appointments, no lunches to pack, no bus schedules to worry about, no errands to run, no one we absolutely have to call. Nothing.

All we have to do today is eat when we are hungry and go to bed when we are tired. We may actually try shoveling but may have to hit HD and pray they have ice melt, since the last three storms have depleted our supply of enviro-friendly ice melt. We may even COOK but are leaning towards take-out. We might even run a load or two of laundry. I might fold it. But we do not have to.

The only potentially bad thing about today is that Darling's brother is due to fly in from California. He is visiting this week because we are having a family gathering for MIL's sixtieth birthday this weekend. He will spend the first three days with his father (not Darling's father, BIL is his half brother) and then the rest of the time with us. That is, if he can get here in this mess. Methinks his plane will be delayed, he is supposed to arrive this afternoon. Or not.

And the best part? I do not have to pretend to celebrate Valentine's Day today. Darling and I feel very similarly about this day. We think it is a lab-created holiday for people to sell tons of cards and flowers. My personal opinion is that it is not needed and that people should attempt to be romantic and thoughtful EVERY day. I feel the same way about Mother's Day and Father's Day. And don't' get me started on the fact that there are ST. PATTY's cards. This Irish chick thinks that it is dumb.

So, here I stay in my jammies, boys playing on the floor. Sipping cups of tea and eating a banana. Life doesn't get any better than this!


CryssyeR said...

Me, I was happy to have my snow day, too, but not looking forward to trying to drive in to work tomorrow. Dear One did not have a snow day, so it was a bit one sided for me.

Hope BIL gets into town ok.

Happy said...

Hope you had a wonderful, relaxing, day today!!!