Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thirteen things that I have on my mind today

  1. How can we get Bugaboo to change his eating habits? He is getting calories and protein, and apparently enough fat. But he is low in iron, folate, B vitamins, you name it. Hmmm...
  2. I gotta pack so we can go on our little romantic getaway this weekend.
  3. My incredible sisters are bending over backwards to help out with Bugaboo this weekend so that he could stay in his own home and be comfy and not get totally thrown off. They know how much I need it and I am in tears thinking about how awesome they are!
  4. Bugaboo is gone for eight hours a day and I miss him sooooo much. It is killing me, but I know he is getting what he needs.
  5. Bug Boy is doing great in Kindergarten and is so much happier than he has been in the past! His anxiety is decreasing and he is more assertive. Now, if only we can work on the control freak issues.
  6. I want to clean up a little in here so my sisters have clean sheets and a clean toilet.
  7. Bugaboo has to have a gastric emptying scan and they said he has to drink/bring milk. He doesn't drink it. He hates it. So how do we get this test done? Can I teach him to drink milk?
  8. Darling's car is going. As in, breaking down slowly. Do we dump $1,000 into a $3,000 car or purchase a new/newer one? We dont' want a car payment, we are finally comfortable with our finances and are living within our means. Adding a payment would make things much tighter.
  9. I haven't been to the gym in ten days, and it shows. I feel sluggish and my tummy feels yucky. I am trying to keep up with it around here, but we've had so many doctor's appts the past few weeks. Grrr...
  10. Now that Bugaboo is in school so much I should have more time to do things around here, right? So why am I still scrambling? Sounds like I need to revamp routines so I can get in what I need to. Right now I am kinda making it up as I go along. And the floors are filthy, even though the rest of the house is straightened up fairly well.
  11. I am finding that I am becoming more and more of an introvert, if that is possible. For the first time in my life I am PREFERRING to spend time with myself, rather than fill it with friends, tv, etc. I actually take myself out to breakfast and lunch once in a while, and just sit and eat and ponder. It feels great. And, I like it quiet in my house now. I used to HATE silence. I still miss my kids terribly but I am learning to enjoy the solitude. It does NOT last long and I can get so much done in those hours.
  12. I know that I will not have any more children but it still hurts. I should be happy that I am fortunate enough to have these two rays of sunshine, yet I find myself wishing I could have that third baby. The one I always dreamed would complete my family. I am happy, don't get me wrong. But if there is some way I could go back and fix what went wrong with both labors so that I don't bleed nearly to death, I would. You know, 'cause bleeding to death in childbirth is bad and all.
  13. I have the support of my friends and family. I have friends that are doing what I do, with special needs children and without, without any help from grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins. They have themselves for support and that is it. I cannot imagine having to raise my children without the support I have. I cannot even believe that people raise children like Bugaboo as a single parent. It is difficult enough with a dedicated husband and close family. I am one lucky momma.


Domestic CEO said...

Enjoy your romantic weekend!!! You deserve a break. Have a fabulous time! :)

Anonymous said...

Have a fabulous weekend, M-J. You deserve it!