Wednesday, September 27, 2006

This is a public service announcement

We interrupt the regularly scheduled program to bring you the following:

Marj is mad as hell and ain't gonna take it anymore! Now, don't ask what Marj is angry about, 'cause she doesn't really know. She just feels angry and pessimistic and has a very low tolerance for anything at this particular moment in time.

It could be that she just wants to give up because things are quite difficult in her life. It could be because her kids are driving her crazy because they are faaaarrrrr from typical. It could be because her husband called her at 6pm on one of the most difficult days she has ever had to say he was late (no shiat!) and that he wouldn't be home until late(8pm). And then he had the audacity to come home and say, "By the way. There is a very good chance I have to go away tomorrow or Thursday for two days. They need help in California and no one else really wants to go last minute." It could be because that means he will not be home to participate in the Cure Autism Now walk that she is participating in that he wanted to get out of anyway. It could be because Marj has to take Bug Boy for an EMG today and she is worried about it. It could be because yesterday Bugaboo refused to communicate during therapy and did quite a bit of crying and whining and we really got nowhere fast, except exhausted. It could be because Bugaboo is giving us a difficult time with taking his medicine. It could be because She has gained weight and hasn't had much time to do anything for herself since there have been multiple doctor's appointments the past few weeks. It could be because she needs a vacation to Hawaii. It could be because she is referring to herself in the third person and that is really scary 'cause it's all Hannibal-Lector-scary-transvestite-serial-killer-in-Silence-of-The-Lambs-it-puts-the-lotion-on-itself-or-else-it-gets-the-hose-again-like.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

(The management wishes to apologize for the earlier tirade and wants it to be known that in no way, shape or form is the management responsible for the pre-menstrual psychosis of the afore-mentioned soliloquy. So there.)


Chaotic Mom said...

Crap. I'm glad we sat for a chat YESTERDAY. But for the record, sounds like we're having similar weeks. Down to the hubby-trip, medical visits, and possible PPP (pre-period-psychosis). And the weight gain. AND the need for a vacation. And you KNOW my kids. I hate to say my kids know ME, and when to avoid crazy mommy.

Hey, gal, you KNOW I think you're one of the most amazing mommies around. Not that it helps today, but I really do think that. Okay?

Hey, I hope the test goes okay. I'm dragging my feet on Little Guy's testing, but prompted to get them done because of what you've done for your kids. You are MOTIVATING, very motivting.

Domestic CEO said...

You know I'm right there with you on wanting to stick my head in the sand and wish it all away. Let's all go to our happy place, shall we? :)

You are the most inspirational moms I know. Just wanted you to know.

Happy said...

I agree w/Chaotic Mom & Rachel you are an inspirational mom and woman! Do you need walkers on your team? If the walk is on Sunday or Saturday morning, Me, Sweetness, and Josie The Hyper can walk if you need it. Bug Boy will do GREAT with the EMG. He has been through more painful procedures PLUS he'll have you there. And DON'T apologize for bitching on your blog. Besides being a place where you can share your life it is a great outlet.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Marj! One babystep at a time and deep breaths...... you'll get through it. Feel free to vent away!

Anonymous said...

DUDE --- WHAT IS IT WITH US?? We're all having similar weeks!

Virginia Revoir said...

totally know how you feel sister!

Domestic Goddess said...

Thanks for the hugs and such, sisters. Luke did fine with the EMG. Now all we have to do is get through genetic testing, MRI and EEG and we are DONE. Except that we miss THREE DAYS of school in one week coming up soon!

CryssyeR said...

Feel for you! Hormones are nasty, huh? teehee. Be glad you are not on Clomid. That feeling you had - TRIPLES. Scary.

Glad to hear the EMG went well. Don't worry about Saturday. Me and Big Sis will be there! By the way, can we ride there together? Dino Boy and Dear One aren't coming due to soccer duty. It'll just be lil ole me.