Friday, April 28, 2006

An excerpt from our "conversation" this morning

Bug Boy has many one-sided conversations. That is, he thinks we are conversing, but it is really all him. It is just one endless stream of thought. Here is an example:

"I have two arms. Two is a pair. I don't have four arms because that would be two pairs. And I really don't have ten pairs. If I had four pairs I'd be an Octopus. I can't get this Spider Man pajama shirt over my head. I have to leave my tee shirt on because it is cold outside. Is it cold outside? I'd better check. Yup, it's cold outside. I think I'll leave my tee shirt on. I can't get this button undone. I need your help. (I un button his pants) Yup. It's cold outside. I am going to need a jacket. I really like counting money. I like the money counter you got me. I am going to count all the money in my piggy bank. I have 25 monies. I am going to save all of my monies an buy a new video game. How many monies do I have? I think I have a lot. I am going to count all of it so we can go buy one right now. Hmmm...This one's a penny. This one's a nickel. What's this one? A Quarter? Oh yeah, that's right! Ha! A Quarter. But this one's too big to be a quarter. I wonder how many monies it is? A hundred? (I tell him it is a half dollar) A half dollar! WOW!"

Is your head exploding yet? Yup, that's what I thought. And this is just a tiny sample of the endless thought process that he has. He never stops thinking. Sounds like someone I know...hmm...


Anonymous said...

That is too FUNNY (although it probably has the potential to drive you nuts). Thanks for making me smile.

Chaotic Mom said...

My boys call them "monies", too. A habit I'm TRYING to break.

Hey, the young gal I sat next to last night is thinking about changing her major to special ed. Her brother is autistic, wasn't diagnosed until he was TEN. Wonderful gal, we talked a lot. ;)